NSS Rapid Response Fund Research
The need for cavers to fund a rapid response has ended.
Funding can still be obtained from other NSS Grant Funds for education or research
Where to Find WNS Research
2019 Definitions of White Nose Syndrome (https://www.whitenosesyndrome.org/press-release/ revised-case-definitions-for-white-nose-syndrome-05-16-2019)
Education and Outreach Brochures (https://www.whitenosesyndrome.org/static-page/brochures-postcards-and-fact-sheets)
USFWS Archive of WNS research and monitoring
National and State WNS Response Plans https://www.whitenosesyndrome.org/static-page/planning-our-response
USGS General WNS information (https://www.usgs.gov/ecosystems/invasive-species-program/science/white-nose-syndrome)
WNS Meetings
Research takes a while to publish, you can find the latest proposals for things like cures under the abstracts for meetings.
Abstracts (WNS-related) of the 2013 North American Symposium on Bat Research and International Bat Research Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica, August 11-15, 2013
Abstracts of the North American Symposium on Bat Research, October 2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Abstracts of the 2012 WNS Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, June 4-7
Special WNS Session at the 2011 NSS Convention, Glenwood Springs, Colorado July 20, 2011, links to complete presentations
Summary of the 2011 WNS Symposium, May 17-19, 2011By Peter Youngbaer
WNS Webinar Presentation by Peter Youngbaer, NSS WNS Liaison - USGS, San Francisco (9/28/2010)
Abstracts from the Pittsburgh WNS Symposium May 25-27, 2010
Special WNS Session at the International Congress of Speleology/NSS Convention
July 23, 2009. Links to complete presentations.
WNS webinar from National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)
Link to all the presentations on 24 June 09.
Second WNS Science Strategy Conference Proceedings Austin TX, May 27-28, 2009
Albany WNS Science Strategy Conference Proceedings June 2008. Includes the WNS research priorities for 2008-2009 that were developed as a result of this meeting.
Special WNS Session at the 2011 NSS Convention, Glenwood Springs, Colorado July 20, 2011, links to complete presentations
Summary of the 2011 WNS Symposium, May 17-19, 2011 By Peter Youngbaer
Abstracts from the Pittsburgh WNS Symposium
May 25-27, 2010
Second WNS Science Strategy Conference Proceedings Austin TX, May 27-28, 2009
Albany WNS Science Strategy Conference Proceedings June 2008. Includes the WNS research priorities for 2008-2009 that were developed as a result of this meeting.
The NSS and White-nose Syndrome - A brief paper describing the NSS, its history and expertise in cave conservation, and its leadership and
involvement with WNS.

NSS Table-top Display
This lighted 3-panel display is available for NSS IOs and members to borrow in order to promote the Society. Just click the image to be taken to a page that describes it and how to get it.
NSS WNS Information Brochure - Please print and distribute to youth groups, landowners, show cave owners, cavers and others who should know about WNS. (Updated version as of 4/3/18)
Additional Brochures, Postcards, and Fact Sheets - Educational material courtesy of whitenosesymdrome.org.
NSS News Feature Articles
Much more material is available in the
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